Emergency Planning
5 Days
Training Course
Price TBC
Course Overview
The UK experiences a number of incidents with reservoirs each year. Luckily they have not progressed to failure involving loss of life, and there has been no loss of life since 1925. However, incidents continue to happen and these need to be handled efficiently.
The Water Act of 2003 can cause flood inundation mapping to be done in support of an onsite plan and whilst this is useful preparatory work, there is very little training for Panel Engineers
This course will be of use to anybody associated with dams and reservoirs who might be involved with emergencies, including owners, Inspecting Engineers, Supervising Engineers and those who respond to emergencies etc.
This course includes evening training, with some nights finishing around 9:30pm. This in an all inclusive, fully residential course.
Benefits of attending for the learner
• Better understanding of the process and associated with dealing with emergencies
• Ability to write on site plans
Benefits of attending for the employer
• Competent employees
• Staff able to react to emergencies more effectively
• Staff able to write on site plans and get involved in rehearsals
What you will learn
• The Civil Contingencies Act as applied to reservoirs
• The concept of Gold/Silver/Bronze communication
• People’s behaviour in emergency situations
• Communication and the public
• Likely failure modes
• Speed of failures
• Inundation mapping
• Onsite plan - contents
• Relationship with offsite plans
• Case histories
• A practical exercise in dealing with an emergency.
What qualifications will you achieve?
• You will receive a certificate from Dams & Reservoirs Limited / EPC
How is this training delivered?
• Theory is delivered in the classroom. The course will include lectures and discussions by visiting panel engineers and specialist consultants.
• Visits to local reservoirs are included to provide ample opportunity to develop and apply practical supervision skills. Case studies are used to assist the learning process.
What do I need to bring with me?
• DEFRA guidance on Flood Plans