Training courses and the transfer of knowledge to others in any profession is a vital part of maintaining the skill base.
Courses for Reservoir Engineers, those who want to become Supervising Engineers, Reservoir Keepers and Managers of those people and Emergency Planners are an essential part of the ‘toolbox’ for the Dam Engineering Profession.
The suite of training courses offered by Dams & Reservoirs Ltd allows people to develop their knowledge base, be more effective in their employment and assemble the knowledge to apply to become a Supervising Engineer as defined by the Reservoirs Act 1975, as well as perform more effectively as a Reservoir Engineer.
The course contents are constantly being revised and some subtle changes and improvements made to cover the changes in legislation, Ministerial Directives and recommendations resulting from incidents such as that at Toddbrook.

Reservoir Inspection
Reservoir Supervising Engineer
Training Course
2 Days
For those who wish to become reservoir keepers/catchment controllers/inspectors looking after reservoirs on a day to day basis. The course covers legislation, failure modes, what to look for when problems start to arise, how to record the details from a visit, how to raise concerns and alarms.
Emergency Planning
Reservoir Supervising Engineer
Training Course
5 Days
For engineers of all types involved with emergency planning including the background legislation, the organisation and response to an emergency, the formulation and writing of an onsite plan and an exercise to test an onsite plan. The course also covers some aspects of human behaviour when put in the stressful situation associated with dealing with a reservoir incident/failure.
New Course - Incidents, Accidents & Failures - A review to inform design processes - good and bad
Reservoir Supervising Engineer
Training Course
2 Days
This course is designed for young professionals in dam engineering and in particular Supervising Engineers or those aspiring to be Supervising Engineers under the Reservoirs Act 1975. It would also benefit those younger engineers providing design input on reservoir schemes and those providing supervision to reservoir remedial work schemes.
Hydraulics & Hydrology for Supervising Engineers
Reservoir Supervising Engineer
Training Course
3 Days
Covering flood estimation, hydrographs and flood safety standards & guidance, waves and wave protection, design of reinforced grass spillways, dam break analysis, contingency planning, dam outlet works, drawdown facilities and spillways.
Soil Mechanics for Supervising Engineers
Reservoir Supervising Engineer
Training Course
3 Days
The development of soil mechanics in dam engineering covering failure mechanisms, case histories, classification of soils, engineering characteristics of soils, seepage assessment, stability assessment as well as site investigation, testing and instrumentation.
Reservoir Supervising Engineer
Reservoir Supervising Engineer
Training Course
5 Days
For prospective Supervising Engineers covering legislation, design, failure modes, the roles and responsibilities of the Supervising Engineer, practical exercises including a visit to two dams to carry out a Supervising Engineer’s examination and statement. Health & Safety aspects are also covered.